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Gummo (1997): Hyper-Realism in Cinema

Gummo is quite the film. It’s an examination of a town after devastation. A film that showcases how people move on from a disaster or in...

Is Citizen Kane (1941) The Greatest Film Ever Made?

The question being asked can be looked at in multiple ways. When someone asks if a film is the “greatest film of all time”, I see two...

Neorealism and Bicycle Thieves (1948)

The film “Bicycle Thieves” does some pretty strange things for a film to do in its time. These things now fit into a genre known as...

Easy Rider (1969): Death to Non-Conformity

The year’s 1969, the world (most specifically America) is going though drastic changes. The hippie “free love” movement is coming to an...

Dogme 95 and The Celebration (1998)

Dogme 95 is an interesting way of filmmaking. Directors using the technique throw away all the preexisting ways Hollywood has been making...

Birdman or (The Stress of Celebrity Status)

Birdman is one of the most interesting films of late. The film covers some interesting topics through artsy surrealism. It shows off the...

The Matrix (1999) and Genre Conventions

Sci Fi has traditionally been a genre of wonder and possibly. This film definitely delves into those components heavily especially with...

Her (2013) and Sound Design

Sound is one of the big components of “Her” (along with colour). The film uses the sound to emphasize the internal and external emotions...

The Rocky Horror Picture Show: The Boundary Pusher

Rocky Horror Picture Show is probably one of the first examples of a film that really pushed boundaries and the audience knew it. The...

We Need To Do Something: Family & Isolation

“We Need To Do Something” is a film i’ve been looking forward to for a while now. Since I heard about it from Sierra McCormick’s social...

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